Dr. Tranny Green Assemblee Goo
We recommend the Firm Green Goo if you are rebuilding in a warm climate!
Dr. Tranny Assemblee Goo is forumulated for use as an assembly aid and lubricant for virtually any assembly application. It provides lubrication and helps facilitate the assembly process, by holding components such as needle bearings and hydraulic seals in place. Simply apply to O-rings, seals, bearings, gaskets, sealing rings, thrust washers and much more!
Why use Assemblee Goo over other brands of lubricant?
- Provides the rebuilder a choice of tack strength. Firmer (Green) great for summer months and lighter tack (Blue) great for rebuilding during the winter
- The Assembly Lube contains no water/soapy residue to contaminate new automatic transmission fluid
- Dyed green or blue to prevent misdiagnosing leaks
- Dr. Tranny Assembly Goo will not melt at shop temperatures
- The assembly lube is not harmful with prolonged skin contact
- It will not clog the transmission's oil filter
- Dr. Tranny Assembly Goo contains proprietary forumla that helps to prohibt rust from forming
- The green and blue Dr. Tranny Assembly Goos are compatible with all transmission fluids
Frequently Asked Questions about Dr. Tranny Assembly Goo
What exactly is Dr. Tranny Assemblee Goo?
Dr. Tranny Assemblee Goo is forumulated for use as an assembly aid and lubricant for any mechanical assembly application. Dr. Tranny assembly lube is commonly used in engine repair as well as in transmission rebuilding.
What does Dr. Tranny Assembly Goo do?
Dr. Tranny Assembly Goo provides a convenient way to hold components like bearings and seals in place for easier assembly, while providing lubrication protection for safe startup.
Why does Dr. Tranny Assembly Goo come in two different colors?
The different colors indicate the tack strength for assembly. The firmer green package is perfect for more holding strength and/or warmer climates and the lighter tack in the blue package is for applications requiring less tack strength and/or colder climates.
I live in the Soutwest United States where it gets very hot, is one of the Dr. Tranny Assemblee Goo products better for me than the other?
The Dr. Tranny Assembly Lube is great for summer months and hot enviroments while the blue is great for winter months or colder enviroments.
What happens to the Dr. Tranny Assemlee Goo when the engine or transmission gets hot, will it cause any harm?
Dr Tranny Assembly Goo dissolves quickly (140 F) as the engine or transmission warms up, is compatible with all engine and transmission oils and will not harm seals or gaskets. The unique colors allow instant recognition to minimize confusion, if leaks are detected.
Is Dr. Tranny Assembly Goo safe for me to use?
Yes. Dr. Tranny Assmblee Goo is not harmful with prolonged skin contact.
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